Why choose Microsoft Power BI Consulting?

Companies come into contact with a large amount of data on a daily basis, but how do you determine which data is relevant ? How can data provide better service within a company? How do you create useful insights and trends based on that data ? To this end, Microsoft developed one of the most powerful and most user-friendly Business Intelligence Tools: Microsoft Power BI. In this blog post we discuss the benefits of Power BI and why you too can make use of it.

1. User-friendliness

Within the domain of Power (BI) Consulting words such as intuitive, self-service and easy to use are equally present. Because Microsoft Power BI has many similarities with Microsoft Excel , it is for many users the first Business Intelligence Tool that is really easy to use. This is because Excel functions are very similar to DAX ( Data Analysis Expressions ). This is the programming language that Power BI uses to create calculated columns , measures , and custom tables .

In addition, Power BI will recognize a lot of data.  For example, do you have the turnover and profit figures of the company? Then you probably want to display these in a graph or table. If you then click on an item in the table, the graph will also change. Do you work with coordinates or place names? Then you might want to display it on a map. Microsoft has built all of this into Power BI with ease.

Finally , Microsoft Power Bi is also very easy to learn yourself . For example, Microsoft has developed a learning path with extensive documentation and videos that allow users to quickly learn the basics. In addition, a Power BI community has been set up to share knowledge and experiences about and with Power BI. So if you are stuck creating a report or writing a measure , you will probably find an answer in the community. If you want training tailored to your company, you can always contact our Power BI Consulting.

2. Collecting and visualizing data

Power BI has a lot of standard visualizations ( line charts, pie charts, bar charts, donut charts, cards, maps, KPI cards… ). If you need more complex visualisations, you can always download custom visuals from Microsoft AppSource . You can easily style and design these visualizations yourself so that they fit into the corporate identity of the company.

Even if you are not a data analyst yourself, thanks to Artificial Intelligence (AI) you can quickly gather insights from structured and unstructured data in Power BI. For example, you can use the Q&A function to ask simple questions in the report. Power BI will then search for a chart or table visualization based on keywords to answer your specific question.

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3. Linking with different data sources

Power BI makes it possible to bring together data from multiple data sources in one dataset . There are connectors to all well-known Microsoft systems such as SharePoint, Azure and Dynamics 365, but also other systems such as MySQL and Oracle databases, GitHub and Google Analytics. If you use many different data sources within the company with both structured and unstructured data, you can always rely on our Power BI Consultants for advice and support.

4. Integration with Microsoft products

As mentioned, Power BI is seamlessly compatible with all Microsoft products. Reports can easily be linked as a tab in Microsoft Teams so that the impact of new insights can be easily and quickly shared with team members and other colleagues within the same department (channel). If you want to receive an email when a certain KPI is above or below a certain value, this can easily be done via MS Flow . In addition, the data from Power BI can be analyzed directly in MS Excel via the analyzer function. So you don't have to export any files anymore.

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5. Ideal for mobile and desktop

Power BI Desktop is used for collecting the data and creating reports. These are then published in the Power BI Service so that users can use the reports and possibly create dashboards. Once published, the data is always available on a laptop, smartphone or tablet . Power BI even offers the possibility to adapt the design of a report or dashboard for a smartphone so that the data is also well visualized on a small screen.

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